Below are the Anniversary Rally Regulations.


1. The Historic Motorcycle Club, will promote an anniversary navigational rally for motorcycles on an annual basis.

2. The rally is open to all fully paid up members of the HMC, or their guests, riding motorcycles in accordance with the club statute.

3. The event shall be known as THE HMC ANNIVERSARY RALLY. Route cards will be given out approximately 5 minutes before one's due time out.

4. The event will be held on a November Saturday afternoon of each year.

5. The event covers a distance of at least 40 miles (64.00km).

6. All competing motorcycles and riders shall comply with Maltese Vehicle and Traffic Regulations and with club statutory requirements at all times during the event.

7. Entries will be accepted up to 1.15pm on the Saturday when the event is due.

8. A nominal entry fee of Lm1 will be charged for this rally.

9. The first motorcyclist will leave the start at 1:31pm. Other participants will follow at 1-minute intervals.

10. A drivers briefing will be held on the day at 1.00pm. Any instructions given at that briefing will carry the same force as these regulations and if necessary overrule them.

11. Competition numbers will be provided by the organisers, these are to be affixed to the headlamp and the left rear side of the motorcycle.

12. The finish will be as per route instructions.

13. To be classified as a finisher, a rider must have completed at least 2/3 of the distance and visited at least 2/3 of the time controls. Furthermore must clock in at the finish no later than 30 minutes than his due time.

14. Timing on Marshals' clocks will be recorded to the last whole minute. Hence 10.45 and 50 seconds will be recorded as 10.45.

15. Results will be calculated on the marks lost system as follows:
1 mark, for each minute late.
2 marks, for each minute early.
5 marks, for each route check (RC) missed.
5 marks, for each secret unmanned check (SUM) missed.
20 marks, for each wrong direction of approach (DOA) at any manned control.
25 marks, for every traffic infringement.
30 marks, for each secret manned control (SMC) missed.
30 marks, for each ROVING MARSHAL missed.
30 marks, for each secret time control (STC) missed.
50 marks, for each time control missed (TC).

16. Route instruction sheets and road books will be supplied by the organisers.

17. Results will be made known to all participants by means of circular or at the Annual Club Christmas Party.

18. The decisions of the Chief Steward will be final and beyond protest.

19. All manned controls will open 15 minutes before the due time in of the first competitor and close 30 minutes after the due time in of the last competitor.

20. Controls used on the rally will be as follows:
Route Check (RC); An instruction to record some specific landmark or sign along the route.
Secret Unmanned Controls (SUM); An SUM will consist of just two boards the first indicating the control as an SUM whilst the second placed approx. 10' further down the road will carry a code in black on a white background. Again both boards will be placed on the left hand side of the road. You will not be informed of the location of this type of control, so it’s up to you to keep a look out. These are to be recorded in the appropriate place on the road book.
Time Control or Secret Time Control (TC or STC); These are manned controls. The location of TCs will be indicated on your route instructions whereas STCs will not. At these controls, competitors are expected to hand in their road books so that the marshal can insert the required information. Riders stopping on the approach to a STC will have the time at which they stop recorded in their road books.

21. It is the competitors' responsibility to ensure that the marshal has inserted the correct information in the road book.

22. Electronic speed calculating devices (cyclo-computers) will be allowed. Furthermore the organisers will not blank off speedometers.

23. Riders are allowed to carry a pillion passenger navigator without incurring any penalty points.

24. Marshals at Time or Secret Time Controls will not pass on any information regarding competitors' earliness or lateness at that point on the rally.

25. In any class the number of awards will not exceed three or half the number of competitors in that class which ever is the lowest.

26. Apart from 1st, 2nd and 3rd best overall performance and the Edison’s Shield, the following awards will also be contemplated if enough members subscribe to the event:
 Participation Award
 Pre 1940 motorcycle class awards. 1940 to 1959 motorcycle class awards. 1960 to 1975 motorcycle class awards.
 Rigid or Springer class awards.
 Oldest Rider Award, Youngest Rider Award, Oldest Motorcycle Award, Hard Luck Award
 Any other awards at the discretion of the organisers.

27. The furthest cleanest rider will be declared the winner in case of a tie.

28. The officials of the event shall be as follows:
 Chief Steward
 Clerk of the Course
 Chief Marshal
 Rally Secretary

November 1998.

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